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Monday, June 25, 2018

Swift Defer Statement

defer keyword is used for declaring a block of code that will wait and will be executed just before exit from current scope (function, closure, loop, etc. ).  The block of code inside defer statement is guaranteed to be executed regardless of how we exit from current scope: normally, from a guard, or because of error.

Simple example
func testDefer1() {
    defer {
        print("Defer step 3")
    print("Normal step 1")
    print("Normal step 2")


//Normal step 1
//Normal step 2
//Defer step 3

defer scope

As mentioned before, defer statement will be executed before exit from current scope. So, if scope that contains defer statement is inside other scope, than defer will be executed on exit from inner scope.

defer scope example
func testDefer2() {
    print("Normal step 1")
    print("Normal step 2")

func customFunc() {
    print("Custom step 1")
    print("Custom step 2")
    defer {
        print("Custom defer step 3")


//Normal step 1
//Custom step 1
//Custom step 2
//Custom defer step 3
//Normal step 2

As we can see here:
  1. Firstly will be printed strings from begin of outer scope
  2. Secondly will be printed strings from inner scope
  3. Thirdly will be printed strings from defer that in inner scope (just before exit from inner scope)
  4. Fourthly will be printed strings from end of outer scope

defer inside for loop

If we will use defer inside, for example, 'for loop', defer statement will be executed before end of each iteration of the loop.

Example of usage defer inside for loop
func testDefer3() {
    for i in 1...5 {
        print("Normal step iteration begins \(i)")
        defer {
            print("Defer step \(i)")
        print("Normal step iteration ends \(i)")


//Normal step iteration begins 1
//Normal step iteration ends 1
//Defer step 1
//Normal step iteration begins 2
//Normal step iteration ends 2
//Defer step 2
//Normal step iteration begins 3
//Normal step iteration ends 3
//Defer step 3
//Normal step iteration begins 4
//Normal step iteration ends 4
//Defer step 4
//Normal step iteration begins 5
//Normal step iteration ends 5
//Defer step 5

Multiple defer statements

If there are multiple defer statements inside scope they will be executed in reverse order. Their execution will follow LIFO pattern - Last In First Out.

Multiple defer example
func testMultipleDefer() {
    print("Normal step 1")
    defer {
        print("Defer step 1")
    defer {
        print("Defer step 2")
    defer {
        print("Defer step 3")
    print("Normal step 2")


//Normal step 1
//Normal step 2
//Defer step 3
//Defer step 2
//Defer step 1

As you can see, order of execution is reversed to order of adding to scope.

defer limitations

There are some limitations for using defer statement. You cannot exit from body of defer statement with following things:
  1. call return
  2. call break
  3. throw an error

Where we can use defer in Real Life Applications

The defer statement can be very useful when we want to clean up before exit from scope (for example, close connections to database or file, release unneeded resources), even if an error is thrown. For example, when we work with file and open a file to write to, we will want to make sure that we close opened file, even if there is an error happened while we work with file. 

Example of usage defer statement when working with file
func writeToFile(filename: String, text: String) throws {
    if let directory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
        let path = directory.appendingPathComponent(filename).absoluteString
        guard let file = FileHandle(forUpdatingAtPath: path) else {
            print("File open failed")
            throw FileError.fileNotFound(reason: "File not found")
        defer {
            print("Close file...")
        let fileURL = directory.appendingPathComponent(filename)
        do {
            try text.write(to: fileURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
        catch {
            throw FileError.cannotWriteToFile(reason: "Cannot write to file")
In code snippet above, we close file before exit from function. And we close file in defer statement to make sure that we close file at any case, even if error was being thrown.

Source Code

Source code for this article could be found here on GitHub


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