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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Find most common word in array of string using swift

Following task - find most common word in array of string.

  1. Create and fill up dictionary of word frequency. Count for each word in array
  2. Find key with maximum value and return this key.

Let's get implemented this algorithm.
let array = ["This", "Test", "Swift", "Never", "Swift", "Test", "Swift"]

func getMostCommonWord(array: [String]) -> String {
    var dict = [String: Int]()
    for word in array {
        if let count = dict[word] {
            dict[word] = count + 1
        } else {
            dict[word] = 1
    var mostCommonWord = ""
    for key in dict.keys {
        if mostCommonWord == "" {
            mostCommonWord = key
        if let nextCount = dict[key], let prevCount = dict[mostCommonWord] {
            if nextCount > prevCount {
                mostCommonWord = key
    return mostCommonWord

print(getMostCommonWord(array: array))
// Swift

How we can improve this algorithm. Using High-ordered functions. 

We can sort dictionary. As result of sorting dictionary we get descendingly sorted array of tuples. In this array of tuples first element contain key with maximum count. After that we can get first tuple and get key variable from it.
let sortedTuples = dict.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1}
// [(key: "Swift", value: 3), (key: "Test", value: 2), (key: "This", value: 1), (key: "Never", value: 1)]
// (key: "Swift", value: 3)

So now we can rewrite our function.
func getMostCommonWordUsingMap(array: [String]) -> String {
    var dict = [String: Int]()
    for word in array {
        if let count = dict[word] {
            dict[word] = count + 1
        } else {
            dict[word] = 1
    var mostCommonWord = ""
    if let first = (dict.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1}).first {
        mostCommonWord = first.key
    return mostCommonWord

print(getMostCommonWordUsingMap(array: array))
// Swift


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