Keywords questions
1. Final Keyword
When using with class it means that class cannot be subclassed.
When using with method it mean this method cannot be overridden in subclass.
When try to subclass final class
This code does not compile.
When try to override final method
This code compiles fine.
2. Fallthrough Keyword
In swift when using switch operator we don't need provide break in each case statements. So when case value that equal to search value is found then execution of switch if finished. If you need after execution of case statement go to the next case then you should use fallthrough keyword. There is one important thing about fallthrough - it doesn't check condition of next case it just go to the next case body or to default.
3. Mutating Keyword
For example we have a struct (like below) with method which update some property(ies) of this struct.
But this code will be not compiled. There is an error. The reason of this error is following: struct is value type in swift. This means properties of a value type cannot be modified from its instance methods.
So, for make code compilation we need add mutating keyword to function that change property of struct.
Lets create instance of this struct and assign it to constant.
And we got error here. This struct has mutating property so it must be var NOT let
This code is compiled fine.
4. inout keyword and symbol &
Inout keyword in function means that parameter that passed in function will be changed when local variable in function is changed. Without inout keyword passed parameters will remain the same after local modification. So, for example assume following code snippet:
This code does not compile.
This code will not compile because we forget to insert & symbol before sending inout parameter.
Instead of:
We must add & symbol before parameter:
This code compiles fine.
Syntax questions
1. Tuple destructuring
With special syntax we can get out values from tuple. This called "Tuple Destructuring". Main rule is count of "getting out items" must be equal to count of tuple members.
Operators questions
1. nil coalescing operator or "??"
With special operator "??" we can check value for nil and
- if it is NOT nil then use this value
- if it is nil then use value after ?? operator
In example below dictionary does not have value for key "Steve", so value will be nil and we assign age constant to value -1.
This equals to this
And equals to this
And also we can write it with ternary operator
If value is not equal to nil then operator ?? assign it to age constant.
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